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There are various myths and a lot of half-knowledge about the sport of weightlifting. We will now critically examine the most common of these theses:
Myth: weightlifting breaks your back.
Fact: wrong! Weight lifters are known to have very strong and strong back muscles. The back muscles, buttocks and legs are the muscle groups that are most used during weight lifting. Back muscles strengthened by training even protect the spine and intervertebral discs from injuries and prevent back pain.
Athletes who get back pain from weight lifting have an unclean technique and should work with little weight to perfect the technique first of all so as not to damage their health. Learning to lift weights without professional guidance can be very dangerous and can have long-term consequences.
In our training and especially in the children's and pupil training, we pay great attention to the quality of the movements and do not let any athlete with poor technique lose weight. We are concerned with practicing a sport that can also be practiced in the long term and without health consequences, which is why training is changed very strictly with poor technique until there is no longer any risk of injury.
Myth: lifting weights breaks joints and bones.
Fact: wrong! Strength training and especially weight lifting strengthens the muscles and has been scientifically proven to compress the bones by up to 40% compared to untrained people. The joints are also strengthened. For example, if you jump from a height of 1 meter to the floor, the knee joints are subjected to much more stress than a knee bend. Heber uses bandages for high weights to avoid injuries or signs of overload. Wrong technique or unfavorable evasive movements can of course cause injuries to joints.
Myth: Weight lifters are all fat.
Fact: wrong! There are different weight classes and therefore all kinds of possibilities. The heaviest weight lifters are generally the best known, because in this so-called "super heavy weight class" the highest weights are mastered and are therefore the most interesting for the public and the media. Weightlifting is a very intensive sport because all muscles of the body are involved, which is why it is also very suitable for losing weight.
Myth: Weightlifting keeps children small because it pushes the weight of the barbell into the floor.
Fact: nonsense! In children's training, great attention is paid to the quality of the movements and the mobility of the children. The weight is therefore low. At the beginning, the movements are first practiced with a broom style so that the children can learn a clean technique.
A jump from the tree or a change of direction in the race have, for example, a much higher force effect than a squat with 20 kg. Children's and student training is about learning to lift weights using clean technique. Heavy, systematic training to increase muscle mass and maximum strength can only be started when fully grown.

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